Travel blog

Friday, July 16, 2010

Does cigarette smoke damage the environment?

Only if you inhale.
Yes,smoking does damage the environment because the smoke coming from the cigarette goes out into the air,poisoning everything.
Yes it does, it pollutes us all *cough, choke, heave*

Cheers =)

Hey you!
Yes because smoke is pollution. The toxins and thousands of poisons in the cigarette going into the air do hurt it. But at a very small rate as to where it really wont make a difference. If you had 1 million people smoking a cigarette in a rally than maybe it might hurt the environment.
It pollutes your lungs and gives you cancer .
The cigarette butts are what really leave the biggest carbon footprint.
Yes, try to clean a house after a smoker has been in it for some amount of time.....!! cigarette smok

Yeah, That

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