Travel blog

Friday, March 13, 2009

Has popular support for man-made warming theory reached its high water mark in the US? If so, why?

Has popular support for man-made warming theory reached its high water mark in the US? If so, why?

That is really quite ignorant. I can't believe that 60% could possibly think it wasn't exaggerated. Most probably just didn't know some of the outlandish claims of the alarmists. That sounds like one of those stupid push polls of the left but they didn't lecture at the end. Maybe that is a sign that they will stop carrying the water for the radical left.

Nothing's really changed. The poll isn't counting who "supports" Global Warming or who believes in it, it's measuring who believes the consequences are being exaggerated. Nice try. The vast majority of Americans are scientifically illiterate so asking them to gauge the possible outcomes of climate change is like asking them if they support the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Theory. People vote their pocketbooks. Times are bad. Believing in Global Warming means hard work ahead and we'll have to sacrifice. Considering that we are notoriously short sighted and ignorant of global issues it's not suprising that GW is down a few notches on the concern meter. As soon as people realize environmental problems are real and it will cost more to ignore them - public opinion will change. The trouble is, the longer we wait the harder and more expensive the solutions become.

Not yet as more and more is going to be invested in hard sciences

Maybe then the US will have proportionally as many own people graduating in physics as other developed countries.... and come to the same conclusions.

Also educating people in fact checking and information source tracking will help.
The only way of reaching the truth is to bring people in labs and show to them some simple experiences on the interaction between CO2 and infrareds.

sort of.. see they have changed what they poll on now.. before they would poll on do people believe...... wanting to show people what idiots they are for discounting it...

that didn't work so well.. so now they are simply polling on how many think it is exaggerated.. this IMPLIES that everyone already believes... just another way of trying to force the believe on everyone.

I'm one of the 4 in 10.

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