Travel blog

Friday, March 27, 2009

If we

No...they'd be too busy pushing to ban the use of horses in heavy metropolitan areas. The use of horses would increase to meet the needs of a growing population unable to purchase automobiles in a co2 capped world.

One alarmists claim that skeptics are pushing us toward dependence while they are the ones that try to gut our domestic supplies and independence. Another says there is a lag in effect for CO2. It would be pretty humorous if they weren't so damaging to America. What ever happened to the good old days when wackos were simply put on ignore.

Of course they will take credit for it as they have with the hole in the ozone. I remember Dana (not him personally) taking credit for stopping the global cooling in the 1970s after sulfur emissions were restricted.

NO. There is no "global cooling"--and all the fake propaganda (lies) of the right wing extremists wont change the scientific facts.

You do realize, of course, that ehese people are anti-American? They are doing everything they can to block America from moving toward advanced technology and energy independance.

Whanting us to remain hostage to two-bid foreign governments for our energy is pretty unpatriotic, if you ask me. Maybe if they like the Saudis so much, we should just round them up and deport them.

Of course. It will be like the Y2K bug where nothing happened, and everyone patted themselves on the back for doing such a great job.

When the cooling cycle moves back, the believers will have no shame to tell us that their endless blogging, caring, and Earth hour is what really saved the planet.

Good question, but no, they cannot without killing their souse of income. It is all about the money.

No, the evidence is that any change in CO2 has a lag of decades before the climate consequences are obvious (and even then it won't be obvious to the cheap fuel and over-consumptive lifestyle addicts).

hence the need to stop wasteful selfish people sabotaging our lifesupport systems now (and save ourselves money) - the climate is going to carry on warming because of the CO2 already there, and we are getting close to the tipping point when a runaway starts, eg permafrost melt forest die back releasing their stored CO2.

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