Travel blog

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why do the democrats over all care about the environment than the republicans?

Except that we need a certain amount of electricity and Dems are the reason why we, unlike the UK and France, haven't built nuclear plants in 30 years. Nuclear plants' only emission is water.

One needs to care - one also needs to think.

why do you spread lies and are such a bigot?

It is a roumor that Demcrates are stopping anything more than they are destroying elsewhere. You need to buck up facts and not blogs.

Why did Obama take the Grey Wolf off the endangered spices list?

Why did Nixon start the green movement by starting a group now called the EPA? Oh, Nixon is a republican.

You confuse balance versus absolutes. Democrates see only in Black and White, Republicans can see all colors including green. The mountain top issue is not even blip on the radar screen in the scheme of life. It's like the Polar Bear scam, or havesting baby seals.

most dems tend to lean to the liberal side which views the environment as an issue and most reps lean to the conservative side which views the environment as an obstacle to stop economic growth but yet want to continue the same ol' tactics

Because Republicans are all old and senile, and they figure why waste time worrying about the earth, we'll be dead soon anyways!

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